

In the ninth and tenth days of April this year, we all Jehovah's Witnesses met in our Kingdom Halls for the Study of the Watchtower, whose theme was the theme and text shown above.

However, due to the fact that the article really caught my attention, I decided to make it my personal study of the week. To do so, as usual - is indicated by the Association and has a biblical basis - I activated my "
perceptive powers" that are "trained to distinguish both right and wrong." (He. 5:14) In doing so, however, something terrible will happen to me: Often, people who have no sense, even fellow Christians, they view unfavorably those who use their mental faculties, as written in Prov. 14:17 "the man of thinking abilities is hated." But that does not bother me much. After all, "We must obey God as ruler rather than men" Acts 5:29

Analyzing the textual evidence
      Thus, the first thought was to analyze the texts cited in the article and see which of them has even been suggested that the "holy spirit" of God who came into 'action in creation, "because I do not remember. The thematic text, Psalm 33:6, for example, does not say that. There was clearly says that "by the word" and "and by the spirit of his mouth" Jehovah 'made the heavens and their army' (or "stars"). There is some logic to say that the 'spirit of God's mouth' is the holy spirit. It is more likely talking about here is the very voice of God's authority. It is as Psalm 148:5: "For he himself commanded, and they were created" Yes, the 'spirit' that came out of the mouth of God was his "comanded" and it has power! And to whom God gave this order? Not the holy spirit because this is not a person to obey. He went to his millions of angels including his first son, the pre-human Jesus - whom the comanded was given and they, of course, complied.

In paragraph 4, although Luke 11:20 and Matthew 12:28 associating the "finger" of God in its "spirit", these texts speak nothing about the 'creation of the heavens and the earth' and, equally, there is nothing to indicate that Psalm 19:1 reveals that the "hands" of God is the holy spirit. Romans 1:20 even remotely mentions the "awesome power of God's holy spirit." And what do our brethren of the Governing Body want to say "awesome"? Are they saying that 'the power of the holy spirit' is just a fable?

 In paragraph 5, the text of Isaiah 40:26 is inserted into the article so that it gives the impression that the "dynamic energy" and "power" mentioned there are the equivalent of the holy spirit but there's nothing there that supports this idea .

You see the "evidence"?
       Paragraph 6 states that "we are surrounded by evidence that God used his holy spirit" in creation. Well, until the one time I saw nothing that evidences that!

       Finally, in Paragraph 9, refers to the spirit (or "active force") with respect to God's creation. But wait! The text (Genesis 1:2) says only that this force "
was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters." Nothing indicates that there was through her ​​that God "created the heavens and the earth".

      In paragraph 10 also states there that "Jehovah used his holy spirit to produce dry land" and quotes Genesis 1:9. But simply there in the text or even the idea of a spirit involved appears. Also can tell the texts quoted in paragraph 11.

       Paragraph 13 is the idea that Genesis 2:7 says that God 'used his holy spirit' to create man. But read for yourself and see that there's nothing there to indicate that! In fact, go to the texts in the subsequent paragraphs
until last the more I wanted to see it was not a single text that would indicate a 'work the spirit of God in creation', it simply does not exist. Why is that? Are not well prepared to study the articles? We are not informed that these studies represent our 'spiritual food at the proper time'? Matthew 24:45

      I'm honestly disappointed. Never even imagined that I would reveal my personal study such things.

God created the universe, galaxies, stars and our planet with its moon?
      Let's examine another aspect of this paper study. It is stated in this article that the universe and the Earth were created by God. The article quotes Gen. 1:1 as the text based on this belief. But according to a detailed personal study on this text I found that it does not teach this, this is a mistaken belief.

All other extra biblical texts in the Bible to state that God created "the heavens", the "
earth" and the "stars", are based on this initial declaration. Therefore, there is talk of a creation of the universe and a planet Earth, then it would mean that all other texts in the entire Bible would mean exactly that, no matter how small the statement. But Gen. 1:1 says that? Definitely the answer to this question is NO!

However, using my "
perceptive powers" (Ro. 12:1) I began to examine this strange belief the Bible from a different angle. I wanted to try to imagine how the elders of the Governing Body can persuade us, Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world, accept this teaching awesome. It could see the secret

You've been "taught"?
      Notice, dear student, who almost immediately, the first two paragraphs of the article, it mentions several times the words "Universe," "Galaxy," "Stars," "Heaven" . . . "Earth" *. The mention of these magic words is vital to be prepared for what comes next. The goal is to familiarize the reader (or hypnotize) immediately with such words that, to quote the biblical texts that mention the creation of "heavens and earth" have the impression that these are the same as the "universe", the "galaxy", the "stars" . . . and the "planet Earth".

     Now read the paragraph 2 and see what I say is meaningless. I myself would be amazed at the statement of Genesis 1:1 again, where it says that God created 'the Universe and planet Earth". Were it not for the fact that I had studied this text and come to know the truth expressed here - that "heaven" there is not the Universe and "earth" there is not the whole planet Earth - would marvel at God has such power. But for us, we have a good idea of ​​what our amazing universe, it becomes an education too awesome to be real. Read the study here.

No, definitely not God created the Universe, galaxies, stars (including our star - the Sun), neither the planet Earth. 

Biblical truth - about "the light"
     When God (or Gods) "created light" (Gen. 1:3, 4) and 'day and night' in the first 'days' creative, was not so literal that it all happened, but so symbolic. But this work was part of the 'creation of the heavens' can realize the simple fact that for it 'was expected to be light' would be to move in the dense clouds and atmospheric layers (yes, the "heavens") until these taper and the light of existing sun penetrates to the dark surface of the planet.

About "the heavens"
     When God (or Gods) 'created' the "expanse" (Gen. 1:6-8) in the "second day", something he was not 'created' out of nothing, nor was a universe that God has created here. Meant that the existing water on the planet is to evaporate the clouds of water vapor and rose into the air, calling it a "expanse". The expanse is God called "Heaven" and that "Heaven" was the main part of the "heavens" of Genesis 1:1.

On "Earth"
      When God (or Gods) said it appeared to "dry land", it meant the birth of a planet, but that this "land" (or productive land) rising above the sea level. The few pieces of land that existed then were, as Peter said, 'compactly out of water'. (2 Peter 3:5) Therefore, the dry land appear to rise in the vegetation. Note that God has called this land "Earth" (with capital 'T') and it was only after many thousands of years we humans associate the name of our planet "Earth" (with capital 'T'). After "Earth" rise of the water, God gave the commanded to be 'planted' all kinds of vegetation. All this happened in the "third day" Genesis 1:9-13.

On celestial bodies
      When God (or Gods) decreed in the "quarter day" (Genesis 1:14-19) who had "lights" in "heaven", then the sun, moon and stars became visible. This was because the dense gas clouds finally dissipated. God did not create these lights so literal. They existed several billion years before, and there is nothing in the Bible or outside it even indicate that it was God who created them really. That part of 'creation' is the one that speaks explicitly of objects that are part of the universe outside of planet Earth, but it definitely was not Jehovah or the holy spirit who created them, not literally. 

About animated life
    Now with respect to "days" "fifth" and "sixth", which deals with the creation of animal and human life, I dare not describe exactly how was this process because this will be the subject of a future deep Bible study. I'll have to take into consideration the lives that the writer of Genesis was completely unaware of - the dinosaurs that lived here more than 60 million years, for example, and other beings who have drawn and painted figures in the prehistoric caves in various parts of the planet in more recent times, more than 30,000 years ago. Did Adam and Eve were truly the first rational that went through this planet?

With all this enlightenment, I can say with certainty that, as paragraph 20 concludes the study of the magazine article, I'm 'doing my best to help others learn about Jehovah and his great works he created'. I believe that by doing this, I'm being 'guided by the spirit of God' to help more people also have a good study of the Scriptures and so will increase your faith in the teachings of the Bible.

* In fact, as you can see, I have highlighted many similar words to make it easier for the reader to notice the subtle work that is to make us believe in teaching that directly violates the biblical rule of "go beyond the things written." - 1 Corinthians 4:6

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