

"Create in me even a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" - PSALM 51:10

In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) The opening words of the Bible do not refer, as we insist on Jehovah's Witnesses believe to this day, "the creation of our solar system, including our planet, as well as that of the stars in the billions of galaxies that make up the universe, "according to the Sentinel February 15, 2007 on page 5. I have shown here that the "beginning" of Genesis 1:1 is not a long time isolated from others that make up all the "six creative days'. 

When you create is not to create
     It was evident that address the same issues. That, indeed, the time called "in the beginning" is the same "time" and "days" of Genesis 2:4 and that both texts describe the same 'creations' that are" heaven "on earth - our atmosphere composed of all gases and dense clouds of gas - and that "the earth " - is the "dry soil", the Earth's continents. Evidently, therefore, the Genesis account (in whole or in part) says nothing about the creation of the universe, galaxies, stars and even the planet Earth also modes of literals. So if God did not create these things literally, what exactly happened? What was that God created and how? Well, the answers came after my personal Bible study yesterday, keep reading!

     The Psalmist sang: "Create in me even a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (Psalm 51:10). Does the Psalmist is asking our Creator 'create' literally a heart for him? Is he born without a heart? Of course not! Certainly we understand that what the Psalmist is asking is that God will help you to take a more figurative heart obedient. Also, understand that the "new spirit" that the Psalmist asks is not a new "breath of life " literally as he did in creating Adam. No, certainly when we apply our 'faculties ofreasoning' in our personal Bible study, we understand the clear truth, that certain passages of the Bible are not literal but figurative. - Romans 1:2.

'It creates' light - the darkness is over
     What exactly the Gods (Jehovah and its more than a hundred million children angelic) created in Genesis? If the "beginning", yes, "in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven" (Genesis 2:4), which were not God created the universe and planet earth, what then? Let's look at the texts involved:

      Ante, but, visualize a group of Masons that will enhance a home and that work will start at inside of it and that, to complicate matters, had not even windows. What do you think they will need before starting work? It is no light? Otherwise, they would see how the walls and the material is inside was completely dark? This was how it was in our home, planet Earth, when God found him in his travels through the cosmos.

     Let us read: "Now the earth proved to be [when it landed, before starting any job 'creation'] formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep." Since the light of existing sun did not penetrate the thick layers of clouds, the planet, it was just water, was in deep darkness. (Job 38:9) There was no productive land continents. But look, even then, the Gods that penetrated the atmosphere and thus "and God’s active force [floated] to and fro over the surface of the waters." (Gen. 1:2).  

     Yes, the gods realized that the planet had more than enough water to come to life exist there. Then after to probe the planet and realize that there would come a world easier than they could have imagined, have started work. For this, Jehovah God has decreed: " 'Let light come to be'." (Gen. 1:3 a) It was a miracle, it was even working. Everyone involved in the execution of this great early work that they were intelligent beings, so to speak, attended the best universities in heaven. Surely they knew all of chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology and all other sciences necessary. Went to work in an organized fashion, to meet the decreed by Jehovah God and deliver as soon as this was the first challenge in this vast construction site that was the Earth.

     That it 'might be light' work would be necessary with the aid of tools and methods - unknown to us human - to changes in the dense layer of clouds. The aim was that these were "affinity " and thus make possible the passage of sunlight to the surface of the water, illuminating your main workplace. They also knew that there is no life without light. 

     Everything indicates that, although it 'would be light' in this first of the 'creative days', this process was gradual, and thus the light was gradually increasing, as the cloud layers were modified by the extensive work of the gods. It was only the fourth time this whole process would end completely. On that day, "Then there", would end this early work, and only then "came to be light" in full (Gen. 1:3 b). See? So God (or gods) 'created the light."

     Certainly, all these sons of God "shouting in applause" - year after year, decades after decades, during all the millennia that lasted this "day" - Job 38:7.

      It was also in this 'first day' that the Gods finally realized the planet's rotation. Thus, too, 'made, ' to bring light to the surface, the "
a division" known today as the day and night. - Genesis 1:4 and 5.

     Remembering, however, that this first day of 'creation', is part of the whole "beginning" of "creation" reported so early in Genesis 1:1.

More 'creations'
     In the following verses of Genesis we read that the Creator produced what the Bible calls the "expanse" or "heaven." (Genesis 1:6-8) It is composed of gases forming the Earth's atmosphere. However, we will examine the 'creation of the heavens' by the Gods a study staff immediately below.


"God" or "Gods"?

"God is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine One; In the middle of the gods he judges" - PSALM 82:1.

The biblical book of Job (Job 1:6) shows us that from time to time there is a grand reunion of all living beings in the heavenly realms. All the faithful angels, of course, are invited. In such solemn gatherings we can conclude that among the many issues discussed there, the commands, decrees and laws of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, win highlights.

     We may even see God Jehovah, the Great King of Heaven, the keynote speaker for such meetings, sitting on his throne of glory, waiting for another meeting to begin. When all the heavenly family sits in their places, awaiting the long-awaited meeting has a beginning, perhaps seeing the Great King, Jehovah God himself, rising from his seat, look carefully at all that assembly, and calling attention of all, begins another exciting meeting. Among the many topics discussed here, with complete certainty, we can expect that he himself, the heavenly Judge, declare their judgments to all present. Yes, "God is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine One" and "In the middle of the gods he judges" - Psalm 82:1.

     Realized that it says here that God is the keynote speaker, not only in such meetings? Why and what is said based on that? It has been in some big meeting? Noticed that, often, in meetings of some importance there is a President (who "chairs"or "directs " the meeting) and that, according to the themes, are invited commissioners or other public speakers? Yes, we all know very well how they are targeting the big meetings today. Is that, like many religious conclude (including Jehovah's Witnesses), in meetings just heavenly God speaks? Or that others are also invited to forward relevant information? The answer is "yes" if we observe that in the Hebrew original, Psalm 82:1, the word "God" is plural (אלהים ['Elo · him = "gods"). Thus, the text conveys the following idea: "Gods is stationing[s] himself in the assembly of the Divine One; In the middle of the gods he judges'.

     The psalm in question is not the only place where "God." Hebr.:אל הים ('Elo · him), "gods", appears. This term appears in many texts of Scripture. Let's examine the first occurrence of this word in the Bible and see if we can draw from this study some new information!

 Two explanations - No Response
     Genesis 1:1 says: "In the beginning (Heb.: Bere shíth) God (Heb.: אלהים [' Elo · him - the gods]) created the heavens and the earth"

     As explained above, this text contains five main issues to be investigated. In previous post I did my personal study on the "principle" and there learned new truths -
check here!  

     Continuing with my personal study, I looked deeply ranked second part for me to understand this text, it is about the "gods" that 'created the heavens and the earth', and thus step by publishing the result that the holy spirit God guided me in my personal study on more of a 'deep things of God. "- 1 Corinthians 2:10.

     In Genesis 1:1 reads, so original: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." So, for anyone who is making his personal Bible study, a question arises which is essential to understanding the nature of God. it's "him" or it are "they"? God is a God or is more than one? Is there another explanation?

     For many Christian religions that say God is a Trinity, or God is "one" but is "three"gods - They say "Father", the "Son" and "Holy Ghost are one God. When they read the Bible in Hebrew אלהים ('Elo · him), most probably understand that the text refers to this supposed Triune God. But this belief does not hold when we read the explanation of the subject given by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He, being what it is, the Son of God certainly knows the truth about his nature and his father better than any theologian of the Trinity. He told his listeners: " 'Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah'." (Mark 12:29). No, definitely not God is a multiplicity of gods in one God. The existence of a triune God or called trinity is pagan invention. It really is a blasphemous falsehood. - Deuteronomy 6:4.

    So how to explain Genesis 1:1? The fact is that in the Hebrew text of this narrative, the word for "God" is elohim, which is the plural form of Eloah. For us, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the plural is used here in Genesis to indicate excellence and greatness. Insight on the Scriptures explains: "The Hebrew word 'Elo · him (god) seems to derive from a root meaning ' be strong '. 'Elo · him is the plural of' eloha • Ah (god). Thisplural sometimes refers to various gods (Gen. 31:30, 32; 35:2), more often, however, is used as a plural ofmajesty, dignity, or excellence . 'Elo · him in Scripture is used in reference to Jehovah himself, the angels, thegods-idols (singular and plural) and men. When applied to Jehovah, 'Elo · him is used as a plural of majesty, dignity, or excellence "- (v.1 p.689) - emphasis added.

    Actually, since I've been contacted by a JW and it passed to me to teach the truths of the Bible, as explained by the Organization, so I was told to believe so. But I never got to see much logic in this form of understanding, although before accepting this than that of the Trinitarians. So to finally understand this aspect of the text also decided to put into practice what we, Jehovah's Witnesses, arrested and took very seriously - my personal Bible study. What does the study and 'YOUR power of reason.' did I see? - Romans 12:1.

The True Identity of "Gods"
     Reread the text theme of this post: "God is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine One; In the middle of the gods he judges." (Psalm 82:1). As explained above, these "gods"to whom "God" stands in their midst, are the millions of angels who dwell where God dwells in the heavens. Yes, all gods are truly the essence of the word. Were they or most of them were directly involved in the "creation" of  "heaven and earth." That is why, in the sixth creative day, "And God went on to say: 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness'." (Genesis 1:26). Certainly the reader agrees that God would not have said such a thing to himself, as if he were a trinity of gods. It is also true that it would not have told her "plural of majesty, dignity, or excellence." So who did he say that? Who said God "let us" and "our likeness"? There were all the angels who were involved - directly or indirectly - in the 'creation of the heavens and the earth'?  

     Yes, indeed! Even Christ had once said she was present throughout the period of 'creation', we read: "So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was." (John 17:5) John 1:1, 2 says: "In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God (was to the God.. Gr.: en pros ton The·ón; J17,18(hebr.): ha·yáh ’eth ha·’Elo·hím ), and the Word was a [one of] god[s]. This one was in [the] beginning [in the genesis] with God." No one disputes that Jesus was there throughout the period of creation. But only he was there with Jehovah God? Note this text: "And Jehovah God went on to say: 'Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,—'.”(Genesis 3:22). Ask yourself: Who was he talking about? Only her son Jesus, or all others (also Children) together? The answer is simple: everyone. Why? Because there were only Jehovah and Jesus who knew 'what was good and what was bad', all the other "Sons of God" were cognizant that too

     Therefore, this new point of view, Jehovah God had as helpers in 'creating' hundreds of millions of angels. Revelation (Apocalypse) 5:11 says: "and the number of therm [of the angels] was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands," or "ten thousand times ten thousand" *. Thus, this is how we understand the first verse of the Bible. God commanded millions of angels and they performed His (God's) word. That's why "In the beginning Gods created the heavens and the earth. " The singular verb remains to show that, although everyone had worked on this grand 'building site', the earth is Jehovah who would get the credits. It's pretty similar to any current human engineering work. There is an Engineer, a Master of Works, then comes a small group of supervisors. . . until you get to the final, which are the builders and helpers of masons. But in the end, when asked today who did certain overpass often hear: "Maluf was that made that bridge. " Got the point, did not he?

     So, having finished my personal study and having received the holy spirit of God a new light on understanding the first verse of the Bible, I can report it to the world so that everyone can also take advantage of this new more accurate understanding about God. Remember, knowing about God and Jesus can give you eternal life - John 17:3.

     Then, after discovering that the Christian trinity blaspheme God by saying He is a trinity and have seen that even we, Jehovah's Witnesses, were mistaken for several years to understand that "gods" in the Bible when it speaks of God, is to denote "majesty, dignity, or excellence", I can continue my personal study to understand more of the "the deep things of God"- 1 Corinthians 2:10

     Therefore, if the Almighty God, with His Son - the pre-human Jesus - and all the other hundreds of millions of angelic children, were involved in the 'creation of the heavens and the earth', I can understand how and what exactly they have created. Wait.

* So the Bible does indicate that God had at his disposal hundreds of millions of angels.